Coordonation and Chaplaincy Team

The IMCS Asia Pacific Team, serving 3-year terms, is nominated by National Movements and approved by a two-thirds vote. Candidates must be under 27, hold a degree, and have IMCS experience. Supported by a Chaplaincy Team, they connect movements, organize assemblies, and empower youth in Asia Pacific.

Term of Office

The IMCS Asia Pacific Team is comprised of 2 to 3 members serving a term of 3 years. These members are nominated by National Movements and must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote from member movements via mail and email.


Regional Coordinator Candidate Requirements

To qualify as a candidate for the Regional Coordinator, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Full membership in a national movement for at least 2 years and nomination by their respective national movement.
  • Age must not exceed 27 years at the time of election.
  • Completion of a bachelor’s degree.
  • Minimum of one year of working experience with one of the IMCS AP working commissions.
  • Participation in at least three regional training programs or capacity-building activities (both online and offline).

Responsibilities of the AP Team

The IMCS Asia Pacific Team is tasked with:

  1. Executing the directives of the AP Secretariat as decided by the Pan Asia Pacific Assembly.
  2. Maintaining strong relationships with member movements, as well as regional and international Secretariats.
  3. Preparing and organizing meetings for the Pan Asia Pacific Assembly and Asia Pacific Council.
  4. Ensuring the representation and participation of the movement in various organizations and events.
  5. Facilitating the exchange of information and documentation within the movement.

Regional Chaplaincy Team

To address the evolving needs of the movement, a Regional Chaplain or Chaplaincy Team is established to support and guide the IMCS Asia Pacific and its team in executing their responsibilities. The Chaplain or Chaplaincy Team is nominated by National Movements, approved by member movements in the same manner as the Asia Pacific Team, and appointed by the International Chaplain.

Composition of the Regional Chaplaincy Team

The Regional Chaplaincy Team includes:

  • One laywoman
  • One layman
  • One priest/religious member

This team is balanced across sub-regions and meets 2

Current Coordinators

Bertha Samponu – Indonesia (2022-2025)
Suman Ghale – Nepal (2024-2026)

Current Chaplaincy Team

Pangkoj Nokrek, CSC – Bangladesh
Anne Beatrice – Malaysia
Greg Lopez – Australia/Malaysia

Explore more about our dedicated teams and their mission-driven efforts in nurturing and guiding the youth across the Asia Pacific region.