Location: Chomthong, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Dedicated to developing leaders to address environmental, social, and economic challenges. Our facilities are available for rent, offering an ideal setting for:
A.Strategic Planning
B.Workshops and Conferences
C.Educational Programs
D.Cultural Events
E.Exposure and Immersion Programs
F.UN Special Mechanism Trainings
G.Organizational and Personal Retreats
Special Experience: Coffee & Cocoa Factory Visitation
On the occasion of Pax Romana centenary, considering the needs of a global movement, IMCS World Assembly 2019 has passed a resolution to establish a training center. At the same time, the centennial has challenged Pax Romana to envisage a future movement that operates out of a permanent structure in the next 100 years. This structure will become a lay theological formation center, much akin to a seminary for the formation of the young priests for youth ministry. Therefore, as a part of the global movement, IMCS Asia Pacific, together with the Brothers of St. Gabriel and the support of Bishop Veera Apornrattana, D.D. of the Diocese of Chiangmai, has taken initiative to establish an International Youth Training Center for all ages of people, especially for Asia, Pacific, and global north-south students, Animators, Chaplain, Seminarians, religious and Priest on the occasion of the centenary of IMCS Pax Romana.
There was a need to establish a training center for capacity building of the students which would be recognized and accepted by almost all generations of the student movement in the next and beyond 100 years. Currently, IMCS Pax Romana has initiated the establishment of two centers to address the urgent needs of the global movement. Following the IMCS Pax Romana World Assembly 2019 decisions to create a Centennial training center, these initiatives were started. Considering the financial and geographical conveniences, it was decided to create the “Pax Romana Centennial Centre (PRCC)” in La Roche Sur Foron, France, to address the need for an international secretariat to facilitate the coordination and advocacy training in lieu of the international institutions and International Youth Training Centre (IYTC) in Chiang Mai, Thailand to address the needs for capacitating student leadership worldwide. The IMCS Pax Romana International secretariat is leading the Spirituality of Action Centre project and the IYTC project is led by the IMCS Asia Pacific Secretariat in partnership with the Congregation of Brothers of St. Gabriel of Thailand.
The IMCS Pax Romana Asia Pacific signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between Office of the promotion of Non-Formal of Education of the Ministry of Education of Thailand, Baan Saan Fun Pan Suk, and the Brothers of St. Gabriel’s Foundation, Thailand, to establish an “International Youth Training Centre (IYCT)” in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 30th November 2021. Together, the three organizations will establish an “International Youth Training Center (IYCT) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This MOU is a significant milestone in our ongoing collaboration for young people.
We hope this center will be a space for the formation, training and development of our Students Leaders, Coordinators, lay wo/men animators, Chaplains, Ecumenical and inter-religious partners, like-minded groups and movements, religious congregations, seminarians, young priests, Indigenous community leaders, volunteers, sister movements, Lay Leaders through sustained programs and projects, information and advisory support services and constant improvement through organized, focused and sustained research.
To provide a conducive environment for students of all ages for capacity building and empowerment through learning and training for the social transformation for a peaceful, just, inclusive and a green world.
We enhance and transform the knowledge and skills of young people through sustainable programs, projects, research, information, and advisory support services to build a peaceful, just and a green World.
We are dedicated to supporting tertiary catholic students through lifelong learning to become future leaders and the intellectual communities in the future generations to be relevant as the salt and light of the church, the world, and Our Common Home.
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