IMCS Asia Pacific coordinator, William Nokrek, has participated in the two-week 30th Annual Human Rights and People’s Diplomacy Training Program for Human Rights Defenders from the Asia-Pacific Region in Bangkok from 23rd January – 3rd February 2023. During this training, as a part of People’s Diplomacy, William Nokrek met with Ms. Georgina Lloyd, Regional Coordinator of Environmental Law and Governance and Ms. Elin Gidloef, Associate Program Officer (Human rights and the Environment) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Asia Pacific and Dr Angela Macdonald PSM, the Australian Ambassador to Thailand (30/01). During his visit, he interacted about IMCS’ new initiative “International Youth Training Centre (IYTC)” in Chiang Mai, Thailand and IMCS Pax Romana’s Global Study Session 2023 in IYTC.
The Ambassador and Frist Secretary of Australian Embassy (30/01)
UNEP Coordinator (25/01)
UNEP Associate Program Office (25/01)
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