International Movement of Catholic Students Pax Romana is the Catholic tertiary students’ global organisation which brings together over 80 diverse national federations, associations, and movements of a Catholic university and tertiary students from six regions. Since 1921, when it was founded under the name of Pax Romana to promote peace and justice at the global level, IMCS has been helping in the holistic formation of students around the globe.
IMCS Asia Pacific region was established in 1954, and currently, the regional secretariat is based in Metro Manila, Philippines. AP coordination has 10 national member movements and 13 contact groups (organizations in formation) under four sub-regions, namely East Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, and the Pacific.
IMCS AP consists of three types of organizations: Full Members, Correspondent Members, and Collaborators.
Full Members
Catholic student organizations from universities and higher education institutions can become full members if they meet the following criteria:
Correspondent Members
These are Catholic student organizations that may not meet the conditions for full membership but can still contribute meaningfully to IMCS. Correspondent members can access IMCS services and participate in international events as observers. In the Asia Pacific region, the Pan Asia Pacific Assembly (PAPA) can admit corresponding members, with final approval from the International Committee.
Student organizations, regardless of religious affiliation, that do not qualify for full or correspondent membership can collaborate with IMCS AP. While they can participate in IMCS activities, collaborators hold a consultative role and are not involved in decision-making processes. Their collaboration is done with the approval of the existing National Movement, ensuring open communication channels and mutual support.
SN | National Movement | Abbreviation & Sub region | Established Year |
01 | Australian Catholic Students Association | ACSA/Pacific | 1942 |
02 | All India Catholic University Federation | AICUF/South Asia | 1924 |
03 | Bangladesh Catholic Students’ Movement | BCSM/South Asia | 1991 |
04 | Catholic Students Network of Thailand | CSNT/SouthEast Asia | 1956 |
05 | Hong Kong Federation of Catholic Students | HKFCS/East Asia | 1961 |
06 | International Movement of Catholic Student – Nepal | IMCS Nepal/South Asia | 2016 (ReEstd.) |
07 | Union of Catholic University Students of the Republic of Indonesia | PMKRI/South East Asia | 1947 |
08 | Seoul Federation of Catholic Student (Korea) | SFCS/East Asia | 1954 |
09 | Sri Lanka University Catholic Students’ Movement | SLUCSM/South Asia | 2018 (Re-initiated) |
10 | University Catholic Chinese Students Association, Taiwan | UCCSA/Taiwan | 1951 |
Contact Groups/Collaborators:
1. Students Catholic Action (SCA) Philippines
2. Malaysian Catholic Youth Ministers’ Committee (MCYMC)
3. Catholic Youth and Students in Vietnam
4. Catholic Students and Youth in Cambodia
5. Franciscan Youth Group in Singapore
6. Nacional Comissão Juventude Católica-Timor Leste (NCJC-TL)
7. University of Saint Joseph (USJ) Macau
8. Catholic Youth Fiji
9. Tungaru Climate Alliance Kiribati
10. WAKAGE-Student group in Japan
11. Catholic Youth in Laos
12. Catholic Youth in Pakistan
The International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) Asia Pacific is a dynamic regional organization dedicated to empowering young Catholics to actively engage in social justice, human rights, and sustainable development. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, IMCS aims to nurture leadership, build solidarity, and inspire students to be agents of change within their communities and beyond.
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